Ok here is where i will put up all mistakes in the cartoon yes i have found a few of them. 1. WHEN Tai gets sent home after defeating Etemon the news says Frigimon is in America and Tai says whats Frigimon doing here. Then in later episodes he says they live in JApan. 2. Season 2 T.K. says that the digimon of the oringinal can't digivolve to ultimate but in an earlier episode Gatomon reaches the Ultimate level. 3. Azulongmon says the digi-destined gave up their crests to help him but Apcolamon destroyed the crests. 4. Izzy says he has a D-3 I will have more up soon the list in located at my dad's house so i can't get all of them. Did you ever notice? 1. During the theme song when they getting transported to the digi-world on the computer its says Zero Two 2. Knightmon has the crest of Hope on his back. |