Stingmon's Digimon Universe


Welcome to Stingmon's Digimon Universe

Villains from 02
Digi-Destined from 02
Digimon Mistakes
Episode Summaries
Digi-Destined from season1
Digimon of the digi-destined
Digimon List 1-351
Adopted Pokemon
Contact Stingmon
About Stingmon
T.K. Takiashi
Kari Kamiya
Yolei Inoue
Cody Hida
Davis Motimiya
Mimi and Palmon
Tai and Agumon
Digimon Tamers

I am so mad at Fox Kids. They took down the digimon site for seasons 1 and 2 now its only 3. I think we protest. j/k.

For updates check the news area(digi-news). I have to decided to add a quote of the week or whenever i can update after a week. I got my guest book finally please sign it.

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Old TV set; Actual size=180 pixels wide

I changed the pic to go wit the site. Besides you can find that picture of Davis in the fanart section.

I in noway own digimon Toei animation and Saban Inc. This site has nothing to do with them. Its a fansite and I'm not making money off of it.